1 Year blogging. Thanks to you!

You have 89 posts, 2 pages, 1 draft, contained within 8 categories and 34 tags. You have 1,921 total comments, 1,921 approved, 0 spam and 0 awaiting moderation. You are using the Platformate theme with 3 widgets. This is WordPress version 2.6.1. Akismet has protected your site from 3,595 spam comments already, but there’s nothing in your spam queue at the moment.

Your blog covers your personal stuffs, stupid inessentials, thoughts about your deeply-beloved Indonesia, those nerdy chemical engineering articles, and the popular (here, at least) WordPress and themes posts that brought more 50GB traffic a month and forced you to do several hosting upgrades. In the end of July and September, your blog was inaccessible because you have exceeded your bandwidth limit and then you decided to move your blog to an unlimited web hosting.

You started everything without any sufficient knowledge and skills. You had been familiar with image processing software and you had already loved graphic designing so much. But back then, you had no idea how to deal with WordPress, web hosting, domains, and FTP. PHPMyAdmin and MySQL were something bizarre. You were inspired by a friend to have your own domain and he convinced you that domains was not something expensive and you could have it for a very low price.

Started with michaeljubel.com, you wrote totally-insignificant personal stuffs here. I mean, it’s totally inessentials, thanks for the name. Please recall those 2 articles wrapped-as-a-movie-review but inside, you’re grumbling about your unique lecture at school. And also those 2 articles stating that TU Delft was your dream. A month after, your nationalism was about to burst and you decided to write something about Indonesian tourism. There were some, some, some, some Indonesia-related stuffs back then and finally at the end of the year, you decided to launch your first WordPress theme, Linoluna.

Oops, one thing, don’t forget that you ever wrote several funny articles regarding the Durex ad, your pathetic theory of life, and those sexy models posing for Diesel ad stating their own perspective of global warming.

On May, you launched your second Worpress theme, Arthemia, and a month after, in the middle of your compulsory internship at PT Pertamina UP II Dumai (it’s in rural Sumatra), you decided to design a new WordPress theme and named it after the platinum-based catalytic reformation process: Platformate. Well, you really had a bad taste for names. And anyway, what were you doing there? Shouldn’t you be busy with school stuffs?

Anyway, on August, you moved your blog to a new domain, michaelhutagalung.com, for two personal reasons. Several days after, you launched your WordPress premium theme: Arthemia Premium and you’ve been so happy with the sales. Just now, you’ve launched your second paid theme: Platformate.

You really want to thank Rumahweb.com, Qwords.com, and Hostmonster.com for providing you the web hosting service. You learned a lot from them, their system, and everything. You also want to thank the online documentation of PHP and MySQL for being such a huge life-saver. And your biggest and deepest thank goes to WordPress and their WordPress Codex that is constantly showing up at your laptop screen every day.

You also thank your readers for coming by to your blog, commenting your posts, giving trackbacks and linking you from their websites. Please don’t give up giving theme support even though the issue has been asked 7749815345 times and there is already a solution to that issue. In addition, you want to personally thank some people: Hanna (for being such a lovely girlfriend; your blog to me and you to Michael), Sherwin (“horas Lae!”, I believe Michael will say that), Mya, Andika (your English impressed Michael a lot), Calvin (you have an unbelievably-impressive twisted mind), Christin, Yonna, and Marisa (your English makes Michael crazy). And especially for YanYan; although ydoea.com is expired already because he is now busy with his job at Halliburton.

Michael, I know you’ve been so busy with everything that you do not have time to congratulate me for this my belated 1st birthday. I wish you good luck with your school, with the comprehensive examination in March, and please finish that PT Pertamina UP II Dumai internship report. You must thank God for everything you’ve accomplished and for every single cent you’ve earned. Never stop learning again and again.

Happy birthday to me.

PS. Ah finally, this blog becomes personal again. At least this time. :D

Illustration by craftaholic.

  • Happy Birthday! Hope all will be better.
    Keep ACTION!

  • Thanks for sharing, It’s very useful for everyone who interests.

    Ozge Turizm

  • Pertama kali saya berkunjung dan melihat, saya menduga Anda seorang ahli yang terdidik dari awal. Tetapi setelah membaca artikel ini secara keseluruhan, saya jadi terinspirasi oleh motivasi anda yang mandiri. Terima kasih Hormat
    The first time I came and saw, I suspect you’re an educated personnel from the start. But after reading this article as a whole, I am so inspired by your self-motivation. Thank you


  • @rashed, @Lightning Fast, @wanjie.info, @Iam, @Lynchy: thanks!

    @eka: i’ve been thinking about it but i feel i wouldn’t have enough time to manage 2 blogs at the same time. :D

    @christin: hahaha. thanks!

    @tiestri: ahh berlebihan. hehehe. ini orang2 pada dateng tuh mau nanya tentang theme. kalo orang yang komen di post2 gak penting gua sebenarnya itu2 aja kok orangnya. temen2 blog. hehehe.. cari temen2 blog aja.. menarik lhoo. hehehe..

  • Jubel memang hebat! :mrgreen:

    gile bener lo ya bel..lo melakukan itu semua dalam setaun? gw kira lo udah ahli gini2 dari awal2 kuliah di tekim (ngga berdasar sih, asumsi gw doang :razz: )

    gimana sih bel caranya? untuk designnya sih bukan bidang gw, buat nulis di blognya? biar bisa nulis terus dan menarik minat org.. hehehe gw br mulai nih.. http://tiestrisutanto.wordpress.com

    gw link ya blog lo..

  • Good luck blogging…

  • met milad untuk blognya, kang.. :mrgreen:

  • :neutralhi .. pass by via Google when i am looking some theme. nice site. happy birthday.

  • Congrats!

  • happy birthday to you, jubel’s blog!!!

    i’ve also learned a lot of things from you, especially that one about hosting and domain (it’s still puzzling for me, though)

    long live michaeljubel.com !!! :razz:

    keep inspiring, ito.

  • congratulasssioonz!!!

    makan-makan dong! *ngarep*

    hey, what if you make 2 blogs: one’s about WP theme n the other’s personal?

  • Congrats. :)

  • @mylaner, @aniec, @atie: thank you!

    @Andika: well, I am here. It’s been so helpful for me to have a blog that be able to speak up its mind like this. huahahaha.. what? I’ve been your inspiration? no, you are my inspiration. don’t you see that I NEVER wrote in English before I accidentally bumped into your blog and your friend’s blog and your other friend’s blog. thank you. hehehe..

    @ThemeLib.com: yes, indeed. I don’t know what came into its mind that it wrote something like this.

    @yuki tobing: ah kau, kemana aja sih kau? hahaha..

    @Mya: your BLOG which happens to be nomadic has been an inspiration to this blog as well. what the?!

    @calvin michel sidjaja: thank you.

    @Anita: yup, exactly one year. well, there’s a lot you can do in a year. PHP and SQL is indeed complicated but you can get to know it as time goes by. hahaha. dan lagi, skill programming dan IT-freakishness nampak cukup membantu. gak susah kok nit kalo dah ada basic. hehe..

  • Happy belated bday, Jubel and The Unessential!
    Are you sure it’s only have been 1 year?? You started with no clue at all and you’ve accomplished all this only in 1 year? I mean, 2 pro wordpress theme on sale..tck, tck, tck..

    Bneran de bel. Pokoknya sebelum cabut dr ITB lo musti mewariskan smua ilmu lo ke gw..hehe..:D

  • happy birthday to your blog… keep up the good works! :mrgreen:

  • Hahaha,

    happy birthday blog,

    Mnohiya lita! S dniom razhdjenia! Eytyxismena Genethlia! Selamat Ulang Tahun :wink:

    You are truly an inspiration for all of us, blog.

  • Hey, happy birthday for your blog jubel, haha. You’ve been writing lot of great articles here, I hope you can improve more and more, haha.

  • Happy 1st anniversary!

    Btw, this is a very interesting entry :)

  • hi .. pass by via Google :mrgreen:

  • aniec2

    Happy B-Day!

  • :grin:

    Congrats to your first anniversary dear “Jubel and the Unessential”! If you happen to meet Michael, say my hi to him!

    You’ve been an inspiration in my early months of blogging, and one of the reason I learned that exhausting PHP coding..! :smile:

    Thanks, Jubel! Happy 1st anniversary!

  • Happy birthday to your blog! :grin: