ColorLabs Design Contest - Win $3500!

Hereby is a blog post by ColorlabsProject. We are hosting a WordPress Theme Concept Design competition and we’re waiting for your awesome entries! Anyway, what do you believe in designs? We believe that great
Upgrading WordPress via Shell Access

WordPress 2.7 is out along with its brand new dashboard look, a new commenting system that supports pagination and threading, and some fixes to the crucial security issues. I used to download the ZIP file
Another controversial one. What do you think?
Later this afternoon, I got my eyes caught on an article entitled “Most Islamic studies teachers oppose pluralism, survey finds” published at The Jakarta Post on November 26. The post basically presents some
Woman “Privileges”: Honorary or contempting?
What is your opinion on this issue? All the women privileges that we know in our society; are those really meant to respect them because they are women? Or perhaps it’s just a euphemistic
Do we have the ideal idealism?
The title is rather self-explanatory. Let’s see, we are twenty-something, starting to walk through the path of an adult, learning how rough and miserable life can be, getting accustomed to conflicts in our personal
Platformate Theme at ColorLabs
Platformate is a magazine-style theme that keeps your blog personal. Have you ever wished to have a unique, one-of-a-kind design for a personal WordPress blog? A touch of magazine block elements showing popular posts
1 Year blogging. Thanks to you!
You have 89 posts, 2 pages, 1 draft, contained within 8 categories and 34 tags. You have 1,921 total comments, 1,921 approved, 0 spam and 0 awaiting moderation. You are using the Platformate theme
Arthemia Premium and WordPress Localization
So, what about localization? “Although WordPress displays in U.S. English by default, the software has the built-in capability to be used in any language. The WordPress community has already translated WordPress into many languages,
Tutorial: TimThumb Thumbnail Generation with Arthemia
If you still have problems getting the thumbnail automatic generation working, please read this tutorial. I spent a lot of my time creating this tutorial, including screen shots for some significant steps, and adding
Arthemia Premium at ColorLabs
Arthemia Premium is magazine style theme for WordPress. Arthemia is unleashing the power of WordPress to become a simple-yet-powerful CMS (content management system) with the automatic thumbnail generation feature and theme administration panel. A