Terlahir dengan Modal untuk Bangga
Tiga hari menuju perayaan kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia yang ke-63. Bagaimana perasaan Anda? Anda bangga? Ataukah biasa saja? Atau malah malu melihat perayaan kemerdekaan kita diwarnai oleh berbagai kasus korupsi di pemerintahan yang mencuat ke
New Domain: michaelhutagalung.com
I am moving this blog to a new domain michaelhutagalung.com. Every content from the old domain are still available and can be accessed without experiencing any broken links (I hope). Beside that I am
WP 2.5 and Lester Chan’s WP-PostView Plugin
To any of you that experience “MBCS” problem using Lester Chan’s WP-PostView plugin for Arthemia theme, this information below would probably become a big help for you, taken from Lester Chan’s forum. The error codes
Piracy is a crime. Are we ready?
How many times have we heard that tagline, piracy is a crime? Hundreds? Do we realize the fairness and lawfulness of the tagline? Yes, we do. But still, we will always try to find
How do you define a good Indonesian?
When I was on my way to Dumai, a small city located 200 km from Pekanbaru in Riau Province, to do a compulsory internship in Pertamina UP II, I saw something really interesting. It
Platformate: Personal Magazine WordPress Theme
Have you ever wished to have a unique, one-of-a-kind design for a personal WordPress blog? A touch of magazine block elements showing popular posts in the front page while having other posts remain as
Marilah Kita Kenali Energi
“Dunia sedang mengalami krisis energi..” “Harga minyak bumi naik hingga $135/barrel..” “Indonsia sudah keluar dari OPEC dan sekarang menjadi negara net-importir minyak..” Anda ikutan heboh isu krisis energi? Tergelitik untuk beropini tentang krisis energi dan hubungan vertikal
Self-Hosted Blog? Why not?
Anyone want to know how can I have michaeljubel.com as my blog? Do you want a blog like mine, a self-hosted WordPress blog with my own domain name? Well, it’s not free (of course),
Fuel Price Rise and Indonesia to quit OPEC
Still feeling the the hype of national fuel price awakening? Well, just got a shocking news from Majari Magazine Oil and Gas Info RSS aggregator: Quoted from AME Info, the ultimate Middle East business resource: “Indonesia,
TelkomSpeedy is going 1 Mbps!
Sejujurnya saya terkesima, senang, dan dicampur sedikit rasa penasaran. Tanpa biaya tambahan atau apapun, TelkomSpeedy meningkatkan kecepatan aksesnya menjadi 1 Mbps untuk download (dari sebelumnya 384 kbps) dan 128 kpbs untuk upload (dari sebelumnya