Starbucks: Do you care enough to vote?


April 9,. 07:00 am. I will walk to the TPS near my house, I will use my right as a legal citizen to vote.

Do you care enough to vote? I do. I often grumble about stuffs in this country; I even blog about that. Here comes the time for me to do something, to make a change. What’s the point of writing 1000 blog posts of complains if I don’t seem to care to decide the future of this country? One vote DOES count, seriously.

PS. That advertisement above is REAL. Check KOMPAS out if you don’t believe me.

  • I love Starbuck and would want to get a free one!

  • Damn i was too way long late. If i just know it then i would have =(

  • My First visits, How do you do! :-)

  • I don’t know how many times I’ve been involved in the election of this beloved country, but what a pity for this year (legislative election) I’m not the one for choosing. I think I’ve already enough now. I do care with this nation but they have been disappointing me. Am I doing the wrong decision? By the way, thanks for Starbucks, good idea.

  • If only I knew this ad that time :))

  • I voted but I didn’t use that golden moment to get free coffee….not being idealist, but hot/cold chocolate wasn’t in the free item list :P

    hey…i wanna cold chocolate by the way :mrgreen:

  • May be just a marketing strategy to attract consumer. Using the right timing for the right moment.

  • Hi,

    That is a great feat. One vote is very important to change and improve a nation. It is a right, and should not be wasted and ignored.

  • Hai Michael, udah lama juga ya saya main2 tp ga ksh komen. Hehee…

    Yah boleh-2 klo ada model kayak gini, ditawarin kopi, tapi saya sih ga butuh2 amat… yg penting kan kita tahu siapa yg dipilih… Klo dapat syukur, enggak jg gpp :D

  • Sadly, I am not listed as DPT.
    yah, nasib anak perantauan, Bel. :(

  • Let’s hope that our beloved country, will be much much better in the this democratic party that spend quite a lot of money will not be wasted…
    Love Indonesia..(however…) (^_^)

  • i care enough

    at the first, i reaaallly didnt care. gue malah tadinya mau jadi golput… tapi kayaknya kurang wise aja. Buat apa kita nuntut perubahan kalo kita sendiri ga berusaha untuk mencapai ato seenggak mendukung perubahan itu kan?

  • yup, nice promotion from starbucks. However, I lost chance to get this free coffee. :p

  • I couldnt even vote for a coffee, oh how I wish there were more bribes other than this >D (like book discount @ kinokuniya or times…. hahaha)

  • wow, creative & positive ads.

  • i do vote.

    but i really really wish that next time i vote, i’m not voting blindfolded, not like this year.

  • hehehehe… I’m lost my starbucks :(

    ga kebagean euy, hahaha.. :D

  • Good for you! You are absolutely right. Free elections are a citizen’s right - one should use it.

    (I’m curious about the results. I bet - because Indonesia has become by and large a common democracy- that the turn out at the ballot boxes will have diminished in comparison with the previous elections to 65% now.)

    • Yes, we should give thanks for what we already have here in Indonesia. Many were and are fighting to get that right, but many don’t seem to care to use that here in this country.

      The quick count result is on TVOne: Democrat, PDIP, and Golkar are on the TOP 3.

  • Offcourse I’ll (or I have) vote. There’s no excuse for not voting when you have a wide range of selection (44 political parties). At least one party will suit you..

    too bad only the hot and iced coffee is free.. ga mau rugi ya mereka.. hahaha

    btw, the quickcount has started! wew..

    • Absolutely! And it seems that Democrat, PDIP, and Golkar are going to be the Top 3.

  • one vote does count. you’re absolutely right, be a responsible citizen, stop criticizing the government if you do nothing to better it.

    I haven’t heard about this, haha, hot coffee after voting should be nice. I wish it was segafredo instead of starbucks.

    • Exactly. Gua gak ngerti banget kenapa banyak orang yang bisanya cuman complain doang tentang negara ini, mengumbar kejelekan-kejelekannya, tapi gilihan dikasi kesempatan untuk membuat perubahan, mereka malah apatis.

      Kalo diliat-liat, pada dasarnya bobroknya Indonesia ini juga terjadi karena mereka juga gak sih? Mereka sendiri yang gak mau ada perubahan. Hehehe.. Yah, tapi pastinya gak sesederhana itu lah ya. Hehe.

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  • In the beginning i planned not to choose since i have no idea of what or who i’m gonna choose. Yah you know lah we have such a bunch parties, hundreds of their representatives, and uh-oh, those gigantic paper, that almost as high as me. Haha. But at last, at this very last day i decided to choose, for i care enough of this country and eventhough i’m not sure whether this tiny voice can be heard miles away there, I just believe we’re going to the better place

    Yet i’m still wishing i could get free Starbucks here, tho :lol:

    • Yes, those papers are terribly gigantic. I wonder why there are too many electable parties. Coba bayangin kalo partainya cuman 10. Kan kertasnya lebih kecil. Hehe.

      Anyway, we must have faith that even one vote, it DOES count. :)